The first competition I entered was on a web-site called http://photoshopcontest.com on October, 28th 2011.
There where no specific requirements for this image apart from the Terms And Conditions which where specific rules to what you can and what you cannot do.
It took me a while to plan what I could do with this image because it wasn't easy. So I went through the process of deciding what it will look like with a list.
- Will be night time in this image and use the part of the boat or corridor image to create the sense of reflection.
- I think I'll center the subjucts in this image and put them in the light of the image.
- I think the subjects will be two people dancing..
I took me a while to think about what the subjects in this image would be as there is not many things you can put in this image that would make somewhat sense in my mind. I chose two people dancing because it was merely a cliche that is comonly used and it was the only thing that I really could think of that would make sense. When I posted this entry, people often mention that it was too blurry in parts and maybe a bit TOO dark . I think to have made this image make a little bit more sense was to maybe add little glows of light coming through the windows of the boat like image. This was because my image was intentionally dark and that I wanted it to be slightly blurry to give a slight magical effect. Some of the feed-back that I received was that most of the people who viewed my image liked it but thought that it was a little too dark and also a little bit too blurry so I think those are the key improvements that are mainly needed.
I also received some possitive feed-back like there was good composition and that it was a good concept. because this contest had such a short time to complete I rushed this image a little bit so the shadows of the two people are facing the complete wrong way, OOPS. :S
nice mood, compistion. abit to dark tho and blurry at some places. keep it up !"
Very dark but the idea is really cool...! +1 "
something wrong with generator......."
nice mood, compistion. abit to dark tho and blurry at some places. keep it up !"
Very dark but the idea is really cool...! +1 "
something wrong with generator......."
The second competition that I have entered is on www.worth1000.com. This one was a themed one. And I had to creat an image that depicts a "Bad Santa". This took some time for me to come up with an idea. But in the end I came up with an image of a skull because that's normally associated with bad things and such. My skull's source image came from Google. On, http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://media.screened.com/uploads/0/2709/209665-human_male_skull_large.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.screened.com/human-skull/30-417/&usg=__qAmHNe2ekFCj9u2BKdAaaKbwj6A=&h=385&w=300&sz=18&hl=en&start=14&sig2=UddwMwA0MbYhpTDSldvRLw&zoom=1&tbnid=Z1QvnCUPu6HXZM:&tbnh=123&tbnw=96&ei=rlvfTp61NIey8QOw37nLBA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhuman%2Bskulls%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1.
Then I used this image as a reference to use the paint tools on photoshop to recreat it and paint it myself.
Then I decided to put a christmas hat on the skull so it was all "Christmassy" .. But then another idea came in my head to use a " BAH HUMBUG" Hat. Because it was associated with a saying from a film I'm not to sure what the movie is called but There is a guy and he's n
ot in the christmas spirit and such and " Bah Humbug" is like a christmas curse word or something. So I thought if I used this image it would make the image seem more like a Bad santa.
I also looked at past contests with the similar title of bad santa and gained some inspiration behind my images. Which was mainly the skull with the hat on. I saw quite a few that look similar. But in my honest opinion. The edits they made where REALLY BAAAAD! So I decided I would take some elements from ideas and make them my own. By spending time on my work and perfecting the mistakes. And thats where i decided to paint all of my source image references, because then I'll know that I wouldnt have the typical annoying white line around my cuts.
Things that i could have made better. I would say is the shadows on the table. Because they seem to not even be dark enough. As the shadow on the actual skull is darke. I think that I could have spent more time on the skull to make it more and more detailed. But I didn't really have much time.. Because I needed to start working on my third project.
The original of this image is merely the same just the orange stripes are only on the fallen sign post.
The reason I came up with the idea of putting the orange stripes pretty much everywhere I could in this image was because I wanted to create humour.
Then I used this image as a reference to use the paint tools on photoshop to recreat it and paint it myself.
Then I decided to put a christmas hat on the skull so it was all "Christmassy" .. But then another idea came in my head to use a " BAH HUMBUG" Hat. Because it was associated with a saying from a film I'm not to sure what the movie is called but There is a guy and he's n

I also looked at past contests with the similar title of bad santa and gained some inspiration behind my images. Which was mainly the skull with the hat on. I saw quite a few that look similar. But in my honest opinion. The edits they made where REALLY BAAAAD! So I decided I would take some elements from ideas and make them my own. By spending time on my work and perfecting the mistakes. And thats where i decided to paint all of my source image references, because then I'll know that I wouldnt have the typical annoying white line around my cuts.
Things that i could have made better. I would say is the shadows on the table. Because they seem to not even be dark enough. As the shadow on the actual skull is darke. I think that I could have spent more time on the skull to make it more and more detailed. But I didn't really have much time.. Because I needed to start working on my third project.

The reason I came up with the idea of putting the orange stripes pretty much everywhere I could in this image was because I wanted to create humour.
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